
The foundation for human design is knowing your Type. You can think of these as similar to your enneagram type or your [personality type. There are 5 different types in human design and they are: manifestors, generators, manifesting generators, projectors, and reflectors. You can find your type by going to the human design chart and putting in your details. It will give you your personalized chart and all the details. https://clarityandcrystals.com/human-design

Let’s define the Types! You can find all of this information on mybodygraph.com as well.

Manifestor are energy types and make up roughly 9% of the population. They always have the capacity to initiate and to act and they don’t need anyone’s help doing it.  When Manifestors act, they always impact those around them and each action creates a ripple of effects. To eliminate the resistance that Manifestors meet from those around them, they have a strategy, which is to first inform before they act. This simple act of informing builds trust and paves the way for them to move freely and without resistance. When a Manifestor is not living out their true nature they are always dealing with anger as a theme. However, when they begin to understand themselves and inform before they act, this anger turns to peace.

Generators are the dominant Type on the planet with nearly 30% of the population. They are the driving life force of the planet. Their strategy is to respond, and through response to find satisfaction and avoid frustration. They have an open and enveloping aura, and need to learn about themselves.

Manifesting Generators: I like Jenna Zoe’s definition of a MG, “These are a hybrid for the new age of a generator plus a manifestor – when they’re living correctly they are like superhumans! Not only do they have the ability to initiate, like the manifestor, they can also make it happen like the generator.

Common challenge: MGs can often feel caught between wanting to run out the door and act on their impulses, and also wait for their gut feelings to kick in (the hell yes or the hell no). I tell MGs it’s super important to reserve the right to change your mind as you go, and to train your loved ones to accept that from you too, wherever possible. MGs will often ‘move’ quicker than generators but they’ll course-correct more often as well.”

Projectors are around 20% of the population. Their strategy is to wait for the Invitation to find success and avoid bitterness. They have a focused and absorbing aura, and need to learn about and understand the other.

Reflectors are without definition and are just over one percent of the population. Their strategy is to wait a full cycle of the moon before making decisions to find clarity, leading to a life of more surprise and less disappointment. They have a resistant and sampling aura, and are learning to reflect rather than identify.

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