Tigers Eye

This morning when I was getting ready, I really felt the pull toward tigers eye. As I looked it up, I knew why šŸ˜

Tigers EyeĀ is a member of the Chalcedony mineral class family.Ā It has a silky luster and an opaque transparency. Tigerā€™s Eye is commonly a metamorphic rock that comes in shades of reddish brown with iron stripes. The meaning of Tigers Eye isĀ self-confidenceĀ and inner strength.

The Origins of Tigers Eye

  • Traditionally used to ward off curses
  • A protective amulet 
  • Once considered more precious than gold
  • The power and courage of the queen of the jungle

Physical Healing Properties

  • Balances the endocrine system
  • Good for seasonal affective disorder

Emotional Healing Properties

  • Clears negative energy
  • Builds confidence and self-worth

Spiritual Healing Properties

  • Clears the root chakra 
  • Enhances psychic abilities

Tigerā€™s Eye is an amazing amulet for dispelling fear, weaving in higher levels of protection, and bringing positive powers of transformation into everyday life. It’s an important stone for those who struggle with feeling grounded and who feel like an extra dose of good luck in life would help lay the foundations for being connected to their own sense of worth and confidence and reaching their fullest potential.

Linked to Mother Earth, the natural world, the ground beneath the feet, and the ancient spirits of protection, the Tigerā€™s Eye is a worthy choice for those keen to tap into fiercer powers. For those who feel the need to stand a little taller, raise their voice a little louder, and have the self-assurance to stride forwards and step into their own light, the golden orb of this rich and fabled stone can be the perfect talisman to help take you there.

Resource: https://tinyrituals.co/blogs/tiny-rituals/tiger-eye-meaning-and-uses

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