Thoughts From Scotland

Sitting in the airport,

Getting ready to board a plane for my first solo trip abroad 

Excited energy is pulsing thru my veins 

I am ready 

I’ve been ready

This is the moment that I’ve been waiting for 

The moment that I’ve written about…

Manifesting believing and visualizing 

I am free

I am an adventurer 

I am ready 

This is the first of many 

The first trip that sets the precedence 

The tone for the trips to come 

The first that opens the gateway to more

The first that shows my inner self it can be done 

Abundance, gratitude and joy

So many emotions 

So much excitement and anticipation

But no expectations 

I am a feather 

I am free 

I can fly

Boarded the first leg of the flight 

Heart is fluttering with excitement 

One step closer 

I am ready 

I am open to the messages from the universe 

What’s next for me 

I am open and willing


Show me 

On the second leg of my flight

Still feels surreal

Am I really doing this solo adventure

My heart starts to beat faster in anticipation 

Knowing that which awaits me will change the course of my life forever 

To say that I’m excited is an understatement 

The undercurrent of excitement vibrates beneath my skin

Anticipation is upon my breath

My body is trembling with the knowledge of what’s to come

No explanation needed 

Just to true deep inner knowing 

That this moment 

This step 

The chance

This precipice is all it takes  

This is my life

This is my adventure 

This is the new me 

Peering out the window, I see the first few hints of land. 

It was a long flight, and I’m ready to get out and stretch my legs

I’ve been asking myself how I feel now that this is real, and I will be exploring on my own. 

My answer is excitement

Sheer excitement and anticipation, bubbling just below the surface. 

I’ve walked the streets of Edinburgh

Seeing things my eyes struggle to comprehend

Cathedrals, castles, and old buildings

The feeling of belonging and connection runs deep

I am tired but so full 

Ready so very ready

Hiking Arthur’s seat

Alive exhilarating accomplished 

Sooooo happy. 

Unbelievably high on life right now 

Expansion and accomplishment

I am so proud of myself right now.

Lying in bed, enjoying the quiet 

I have a moment alone before meeting the group

Today was such a gift 

The museum

The library 

The walk 

All of it was so amazing 

Arthur’s seat was just everything 

My body is tired, but my heart is so full

I am so grateful 

So blessed

So overwhelmed

But loving every minute!!

Learning how to be with women is expansive 

I don’t know what it means or how to tap into feminine energy 

What does that even mean???

What does that look like for me??

Fluidity is the word that I was given 

Being fluid means more to me than being in flow 

But not sure how….. the how doesn’t matter

Water is fluid water flows, graceful like a dancer

Clouds moving across the sky on a windy day

Constant motion, responding and adapting


We sat as one, in what once was a boggy marsh 

Where 200 skeletons of witches were drowned 

Heaviness and darkness 

But at the same time, the land and women are grateful for being recognized

The land is healing itself with our prayers, words, tears and love

We are the granddaughters of the witches you couldn’t burn

We are the ones who never forget

We walked so much yesterday 

I was struggling with all the energy

The energy is a lot

Visited Edinburgh castle 

Saw the stone of destiny and the Crown Jewels 

New moon ritual / spell 

Coupled with the new moon and the energy of Edinburgh, I am wiped out. 

Went to bed at 8 and slept still 5. 

Got up and went for coffee, and wrote in my journal.

Exactly what I needed to start this day.

It’s time to leave the city for the Highlands

As we left the city behind, I can feel my energy returning

The promise of the mountains and forests fills me once again



Dunkeld Cathedral 

Sat in the log chair 

Recentered after the energy of the city 

Connected again 



The Hermitage 

Woods trees moss 

Deep grounding and connection



I sat amid the boulders 

My hand touching the earth

My cup is filled 

My soul is home

Driving into Inverness 

Walking along the banks of the river ness

I’m home 

This is my land

This is where I belong 

As we drive along side of the Loch Ness

I feel this deep connection

The calling 

This insatiable urge to ground myself here and not leave


Words are not enough

Pictures do not do justice

To see for yourself is the only way to understand

Unbelievable, amazing and wow were repeated over and over

Cuckoo bird started singing

Sharing her message just for me to hear

I hiked the Scorrybreach Trail this morning

It’s so quiet and refreshing

I listen to the cuckoo bird singing again

I think I saw a seal

No one else is here 

It’s soothing to the soul

The perfect way to start the day

My heart is happy 

My soul is full

Rode on top of the ferry to Mallaig

Chilly but cleansing 

Water and wind 

Clearing out the dust and unwanted energy 

Summer solstice ritual / healing the witch wound

So amazing and moving. 

We sat by the sea 

Release what doesn’t serve us 

Did mirror magick 

I am worthy

I am safe 

I am wise 

Went to Dunollie Castle 

Celebrated solstice 

I am exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally

Emptied out

Ready to be filled once again

It’s safe to be seen

It’s safe to be me

It’s safe to be authentic 

Be intentional with everything I do

Anything/everything can be a ritual including putting on jewelry, making coffee… 

All my routines are rituals. 

Ending this trip sitting in the airport once again waiting for my connecting flight home even though I don’t feel like it’s my home but the person waiting for me is my home.

This trip for me has been an exercise of expansion and really centering in on me and my life. The universe has my back. Community, Connection, Circles, Covens…. these are the lessons that I am learning. 

To the gods of old

The spirits of this land

The ancestors who went before me 

My guides that I’ve met and those I have yet to meet

Thank you for the gifts you have given to me

Thank you for your guidance and wisdom

I am a vessel

A conduit

May I integrate the lessons you’ve shared with me

And be an example to others

I do not take the title of wise woman lightly 

I am a spiritual facilitator 

A spotlight for others 

Showing the way 

Leading by example 

I am worthy

I am wise 

I am powerful 

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