The North Node

While doing astrology research lately, I found a post by Dara Dubinet regarding North and South Nodes. It caught my attention, so I did a deep dive into her content! My quick feedback so you can check out the information yourself… 

Dara explains, “The north and south nodes are found in your natal astrology chart. They are not planets, but rather, mathematical points that fall into two opposing signs.” For example, For example, my north node is in Scorpio, and my south node will be in Taurus, its opposite sign. “The nodes are karmic, and they represent where you have been (what you need to release) and where you are headed (your highest self and joy).”

The South Node represents who have been in the past or past lives, and what you are meant to release or grow out of as I understand it. 

The North Node node sign tells you what you need to be, and the house placement tells you where the arena or area of life you will do best to focus your north node behavior. It is the what and the where. The north node can also be called your north star or your path to growth. 

For my placement, Scorpio (north) and Taurus (south) axis is all about balancing the spiritual and the material realms. It is crazy to me how I have seen this play out in my life. I feel like I have lived many lives since my teenage years. I have heard some call it seasons. The season of motherhood and then moving slowly into finding out who I am as my own identity, not as a wife or a mother but as a woman. 

Scorpio is “a mysterious sign and rules the underworld, which is all things not visible to us as humans. Scorpio rules the depths. Don’t be afraid to go deep into matters concerning the occult, power, sex, psychology, and spirituality.” When I read this, it made so much sense to me why I have felt this calling to start the Circle and learn more about the spiritual world. 

I am excited to learn more about the nodes, and I will continue to share that with you! If you are interested in taking any of Dara’s courses, her link is below. 

Leave me a comment and let me know about your North node and if it resonates with you! 

Dara Dubinet

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