The Sacred Circle

Circles have served as powerful metaphors and ceremonial constructs since the dawn of humankind. They are potent symbols for eternity, wholeness, transformation, and the cyclical nature of life.

By nature, circles link people together for a common cause. This is our Sacred Circle, a place where we come together to share our Energy and learn from each other in a sacred space allowing us to mirror it back to each other. 

The Sacred Circle

Circle or Collective the word doesn't matter; its the feeling and welcome you receive when you join
The Circle

Welcome to the Circle

Hello! 👋 Welcome to the Sacred Circle community! We’d love to get to know you a bit better, so please introduce yourself and feel free to use some of the prompts below as a starting point. Tell us about your yourself & what brought you here! ❓ What are your big three? Sun sign, Moon Sign, Rising Sign… Don’t know yet? That’s cool too! ❓ What’s your Human Design type? We have a chart for that if you don’t know yet.  ❓ What are you hoping to get out of the Circle community? ❓ What lights you up? What’s your

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