Smoky Quartz

Theme: Ground, Cleanse, Protect

Helps one ground themselves to Earth, in addition to opening up the root chakra and solar plexus. It’s the perfect stone for people who constantly find themselves with a wandering mind and an inability to focus. This stone is here to assist in not only clearing your mind but to allow you to be more level headed. 

Smoky Quartz has always been known as one of the strongest and most effective tools for dissolving and transmuting negative energies. Not only will it protect one’s aura and body from negative vibrations, but also change those existing negative energies into something more positive. For example, Smoky Quartz can help one break bad habits and patterns by showing your true inner strength.

Smoky Quartz is one of the most powerful grounding gemstones that help connect you to the energy of the Earth. It helps you to keep your feet on the ground and remain balanced in any situation.

Even the spaciest and scattered individuals can become fully functional and collected by wearing Smoky Quartz jewelry or carrying Smoky Quartz crystals with them wherever they go.

Wear a Smoky Quartz necklace to stimulate and balance all your chakras, specifically focusing on cleansing the root chakra to ground you.

It is grounding in a very uplifting way, providing subtler energy than other grounding gemstones.

Chakras: Root and Solar Plexus

Elements: Earth

Astrology: Smoky Quartz is associated with the sign of Capricorn. It is said to help those who are under the influence of this sign to stay grounded and focused and to help them achieve their goals.

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