
Let’s discuss a crystal that might not be as familiar to you. I purchased this crystal on a Sacred Six trip to Nashville at the Nashville Crystal Store.

Phenakite or Phenacite is a beryllium silicate that belongs to the phenakite group of minerals.  It is a rare mineral, especially in well-formed crystals with transparency. It is found in pegmatitic pockets and is associated with gemstones such as topaz, beryl especially emerald, chrysoberyl and smoky quartz. This stone is transparent to translucent with a vitreous lustre.  It occurs as colourless and white but also occurs with tints of yellow, brown and pink.

Phenakite is a stone recommended for advanced crystal workers. When using Phenakite, it is useful to keep a good grounding stone, such as Black Tourmaline, Red Jasper, or Hematite nearby. Phenakite is a true multidimensional healer. Phenacite is a very powerful stone that emanates high vibrations and powerful visionary effects. This supreme stone of the third eye has the ability to allow one to dive deep within themselves. Phenacite is strong enough to affect people who may not normally be sensitive to crystals, as well as groups of people at a time. This powerful mineral opens up inter-dimensional portals during meditation, allowing one to journey inwards on a much more subconscious journey. People working with Phenacite will begin to travel throughout higher realms and bring back information of use on the physical realm. Phenacite activates the light body and is a very strong communication tool. 

When working with Phenacite, its best to place a single piece on your third eye during meditation sessions. Due to Phenacite being as strong as it is, you will begin to feel a tingle or slight sensation almost instantly. Even if you’ve never worked with Phenacite before, this stone occasionally offers immense experiences of telepathy and inner vision. To increase understanding of these visions and their imagery, its recommended to place a piece of Phenacite on your Crown chakra, while also keeping one on your third eye. This links the crown and third eye together, allowing increased strength and understanding. The sensation of the energies pulsating will be unlike anything you’ve ever felt.

Meditating with the use of a Phenacite can be an intense experience, and it may not be the meditative experience that you want to do on a regular basis. 

Although Phenacite is usually always attached to the upper chakras and visionary power, its also a very powerful healer. Physically, it’s a full body healer that stimulates pulsing energy patterns when placed on any part of your skin. On an etheric level, this crystal does a complete cleanse of ones aura and rejuvenates it with pure white light.

This stone will also support you as you download your spiritual knowledge. It will also unlock your higher chakras and help you in aligning yourself with your higher self.


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