New Moon in Aries

Can you feel it? That buzzing energy that is building inside of you.. the stirring sensation just waiting to burst forth?? Welcome to the New Moon in Aries and the beginning of our astrological year! What was dormant is now being awoken… like a spark or an ember just ready to burst into flame! That cannonball energy, just before the match touches the wick… ready to leap forward….

Yes, I am feeling it too, but it is also an interesting combination of surrender, letting go and letting the universe do its thing. Be willing to launch from the cannon knowing that you are safe and supported; better than that even.. you are guided and directed.. All you have to do is let go and allow.

This is not the busy doing energy, just so you can be doing something… its that focus intention balanced with freedom and air… Without both, you will not have fire.. remove the air, and the fire is quenched. I can see the fire coming out of the blow torch, but we are the fire, not the “person” holding it. Be willing to be direct or directed even… it’s that sweet surrender!

It’s time to set your intentions on this new moon. But first… think about what needs to be cleaned and cleared out from the last year. Spring is all about planting seeds and growth, but the ground must be tilled before you can plant. Clean and clear out every area of your life, even digitally but, more importantly, energetically.

Aries is known as a sign about new starts, inner fire, the symbol is the Ram – an animal that is known for charging and facing challenges head on and being aggressive when threatened.

From Rising Woman:

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. If we have heavy Mars placements in our chart, or with an intense Mars aspect like we have during this new moon – we can feel agitation or aggression and anger boil up within ourselves or with others.

Alongside this New Moon, we have the planet Pluto entering Aquarius on March 23rd and staying there until June 11th, 2023. This gives us a taste of what’s to come when it stations there for the next 30 years come January 2024. This brings relief for late degree Capricorns who’ve had Pluto conjunct their Sun for the past several years. Early degree Aquarius Suns will start experiencing Plutonion Themes. 

Pluto transits are some of the most important, challenging and life changing transits we can experience. Pluto transits slowly, so the effects are felt deeply. Pluto is connected to the underworld, so these transits can feel like a prolonged dark night of the soul when we have this transit to our Sun or Moon especially. On the plus side, Pluto transits bring HUGE life transformation and a deepening of self awareness. It enhances our connection to spirit and raises our personal power.

Collectively as Pluto enters Aquarius we will see major advances and changes to technology, more focus on the need for humanitarian efforts, a change to social media and the way we do things, and a death and rebirth for humanity as a whole. This process is very long and slow, so we will get just a small taste of it from March-June of this year. We will see mega advances in AI technology.

From Tamed Wild:

Mercury forming a conjunction to the new moon further emphasizes a time for gathering information. While we may want to bounce ideas off of others, it is wise to remember that we have ultimate authority over our lives. Aries highlights the importance of autonomy and thinking for ourselves. Now is the time to listen to our own inner voices and generate new ideas that are in alignment with us as individuals. It’s also a great time to develop mindsets of confidence and courage as we pioneer a fresh chapter. Mars, the ruler of Aries, forms a square to Mercury and the new moon. This reiterates a sense of caution around taking action on ideas impulsively or quickly. Instead, Mars trine Saturn encourages us to move slowly and decide what is worth committing to for the long-haul. This is about grounding our fantasies into reality by channeling will power and excitement into creating solid foundations that we can build upon. Now is the time to develop plans, structure, and discipline to alchemize ideas into tangible reality.

From Moon Deck:

This New Moon is at 0 Degrees of Aries, on the exact day of the first day of a new
zodiac year, on the heels of Saturn’s recent move into Pisces (March 7), and just prior to Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius (March 23) for the first time since the late 1700’s! No one, on planet earth, has ever lived through this kind of celestial energy before.

As we know, New Moons in their essence are a time of seed planting, and
intention setting. Yet this particular New Moon in Aries on March 21, 2023 exudes
absolute zero point energies- primal and pure. We are literally being reborn into a completely different reality. There is a cosmic explosion of newness everywhere we look. In a way, we will be meeting ourselves, for the very first time. We have changed. Life has bloomed around us. We have bloomed within our own hearts before our own very eyes. I am in awe of the growth I have seen in the world around me and in the depths of my own soul.

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