New Moon Cancer – July 2023

New Moon in Cancer July 2023

One of the things that I have learned about myself is that I can feel the energy of the upcoming moon or other astrological events before they actually happen. It seems like it starts culminating weeks ahead, and then on the actual event, I realize that’s exactly how I had been feeling. 

That being said, the last few weeks have been extremely intense… feeling heavy, chaotic, and overwhelming. When I started looking at what they call the astrological event of the year, I began to understand why I had been feeling all this heavy energy.

Not only did we have the new moon yesterday on July 17, 2023, but we also are experiencing nodal shifts, the great cross, planets in retrograde and solar flares. The sun and the moon are in Cancer as well. Heavy might be an understatement. So what does all this mean…. 

I am taking this straight from Rewilding because there is sooooo much going on that it’s overwhelming to wade through… I feel like I’m just going to throw out a raft and hang on!! I recommend watching the video!

Like I said, there is a lot of energy going on right now, but I do know that where your attention goes, your energy flows. What you are putting your attention on is what is going to be coming up for you. If now is not the time to work through these things, just move your attention to something else. 


🌙   New Moon in Cancer: Honor your emotional nature during this new moon in the sign of the crab. Underneath that shell is an empathic, sensitive inner world that is rich and deep. This will support you to access your own emotional wisdom, so slow down, and give yourself space for inner journeys and time alone. 

♈️ ♎️ Nodal Axis Shifting to Aries Libra: Flavoring the next 18 months, the Libran South Node will take us out of codependent relationship patterns, taking with us all the wisdom learned along the way, into independent, sovereign, unique self expression. The fiery energy of the Aries North Node sets us on a pioneering path of inner autonomy, operating from deep, true self & inner alignment.

Grand Cross – Pluto opposite the New Moon Square the Nodes of Fate:  Pluto squaring the nodes creates a Grand Cross & a karmic skip step at this new moon! Take an evolutionary leap forward in this deeply, transformational energy with Pluto assisting you to reclaim the gifts in your underworld & evolve into your next expression of self. 

💫 Finger of God – Neptune Sextile Pluto & both Quincunx Venus: This Finger of Fate points right at Venus, the Feminine… Where is your soul headed? Are your values soul-aligned? Watch out for triggers & defence mechanisms being kicked up. It can be hard to see our shadow self… but remember that “fated” means becoming more soulful! This is the unconscious becoming conscious!

Neptune Trine the New Moon: Neptune rolls in like a mystic fog, dissolving old patterns & belief systems. We’re being asked to move into more than just a new beginning or a new chapter… This is starting a new book of life! It’s time to dissolve the known and step into the unknown.

Venus Retrograde: This revision energy will demand relationship evolution, new interdependent forms of relationship, in which we can, be in intimate partnership while also still being whole, sovereign self. The Aries North Node will not allow us to continue to be in relationship at the expense of true self! You’ll find some reflective questions in the new moon video to support this evolution. 

Goddesses Eris & Haumea on the Nodes: Eris, Goddess of Chaos & Discord, is conjunct the North Node and stationing direct. She brings in the fierce feminine, determined to help us fight for the truth. She will create chaos in our lives to get us on our destined path. Hawaiian Goddess of Fertility & Creation, Haumea, also lights up this Grand Cross, sitting on the South Node. This luscious support allows us to retain the gifts we’ve received from the past in order to create a new future in this rebirth energy.

How has this moon been feeling for you?? Leave me a comment and let me know. 

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