
Emotional Detox: Brace Yourself for the New Moon’s Rollercoaster

This week’s astrological chaos is reaching a peak today, July 5th, with a New Moon in Cancer. Think of it as the universe’s way of forcing you to sift through your emotional clutter. This lunar event is the perfect excuse to cut ties with the past, resolve family drama, or start afresh. It’s like emotional spring cleaning, except it’s midsummer and you’re already running on fumes. Since July 2, Neptune has been retrograde in Pisces, casting a delightful fog over your mind and ensuring you feel thoroughly bewildered. It’s a perfect time to pretend you’re honing your intuition and dealing with karmic messes. At the same time, Mercury has strutted into Leo, turning every conversation into a dramatic spectacle. Watch

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Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra: A Harmonious Cosmic Ballet

The cosmos never ceases to amaze, and come October 14, 2023, we’re in for a celestial treat. The solar eclipse coinciding with a new moon in Libra promises a dance of balance, beauty, and new beginnings. The Solar Eclipse: A Celestial Alignment with Libra’s Grace A solar eclipse happens when the moon aligns perfectly between the Earth and the Sun, casting a temporary shadow upon our world. This alignment, especially in the sign of Libra, is a rare and powerful event, symbolizing balance, relationships, and harmony. Metaphysical Significance: Eclipses are transformative gateways. With the sun momentarily hidden by the moon, it’s a cosmic reminder of life’s transient nature and the balance between light and dark. In Libra, this eclipse emphasizes

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Moon Magick

September Full Moon Aries

A Fiery Spectacle in the Sky As the moon completes its monthly cycle, it’s gearing up to put on a show in the sign of Aries. Known for its fiery and passionate nature, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, symbolizing new beginnings and raw energy. And when the full moon lights up this sign, you can expect some intense vibes coming your way. What Does the Full Moon in Aries Mean? Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and desire. This means that the Full Moon in Aries is all about taking charge, being assertive, and going after what you want. It’s a time to tap into your inner warrior and channel that energy into positive

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Moon Magick

New Moon Cancer – July 2023

New Moon in Cancer July 2023 One of the things that I have learned about myself is that I can feel the energy of the upcoming moon or other astrological events before they actually happen. It seems like it starts culminating weeks ahead, and then on the actual event, I realize that’s exactly how I had been feeling.  That being said, the last few weeks have been extremely intense… feeling heavy, chaotic, and overwhelming. When I started looking at what they call the astrological event of the year, I began to understand why I had been feeling all this heavy energy. Not only did we have the new moon yesterday on July 17, 2023, but we also are experiencing nodal

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Moon Magick

Full Moon in Capricorn – July 3, 2023

I don’t know about you but this full moon hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt like I’ve been on a week long caffeine high, with nervous jittery energy. Pair that with intense body heat and I feel like a raging inferno whose soul purpose is to rip someone a new one….. Yeah, real fun and loads of joy to be around, right?! But one thing that I am learning is to just feel all the emotions, allow the energy to flow through me and not judge it but allow… The Moon Deck shared, “As a reminder, Full Moons, which occur around every 28 days always fall in the opposite zodiac sign that the Sun is in. We

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Moon Magick

New Moon in Aries

Can you feel it? That buzzing energy that is building inside of you.. the stirring sensation just waiting to burst forth?? Welcome to the New Moon in Aries and the beginning of our astrological year! What was dormant is now being awoken… like a spark or an ember just ready to burst into flame! That cannonball energy, just before the match touches the wick… ready to leap forward…. Yes, I am feeling it too, but it is also an interesting combination of surrender, letting go and letting the universe do its thing. Be willing to launch from the cannon knowing that you are safe and supported; better than that even.. you are guided and directed.. All you have to do

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