Do you meditate? I know, I know it’s hard… or is it?

Look Behind You – The Bliss Broker

It is like any of habit or skill we are trying to achieve in our lives…Practice make progress for sure. I have been doing a meditation challenge for the month of April, it is exactly what it sounds like. A challenge designed to increase my meditation practice by increasing the frequency of meditations. I am not only improving the frequency of how often I meditate but the length of time I spend in mediation. It has been working! 

Disclaimer, it helps that I am doing it with a friend, so she & I check in with one another daily and share what mediation we experienced that day, accountability for the win!

Well, I managed to get in a 30 minute meditation yesterday and proceeded to kick it up a notch with some free-flowing intuitive writing in my notebook afterwards. Holy shit! What came up is powerful and almost painfully simple. 

The number 10 came up for me. Hmmmm, “10, what could that mean?” I asked…

Well, I just kept writing under the warm sun, surrounded by smells of fresh cut grass and the flowers blooming near me… BIG UPS TO SPRING… Anyway, 10, I found that is was nudging me to focus productively on where I was 10 years ago.

Shit ya’ll! Ten years ago, I was not in a good space, I was the complete opposite of empowered, self-aware & confident. I was sadness & avoidance personified. I feel all the emotions when I think of me in 2012. I didn’t have a clue who I was. I was scared daily of being left, I was scared no one would love me. Now, these are not emotions I gave any attention to back then, we can only be as enlightened as our learnings & experience affords us to be right? I had not fully stepped into the pool of knowing how to do life. I had dipped my toe into a bit of “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz, and I knew a tinge about “The Secret” but nothing had stuck yet.

The point? Reflect, look back, look behind you. Don’t look back with guilt or shame, look back as a way to celebrate where you were. Look how far you have come dammit! You probably have things now that you dreamt about yesterday. Let your bullshit heal you, celebrate who you were and how far you have come. 

P.S. If you are reading this, you have come far! If you are reading this you have made moves that have you put you in a place of expansion and I am proud of you.

xx, Harmony

Follow Harmony at The Bliss Broker