Full Moon in Virgo

This Full Moon has brought up a lot for me this week. The urge or need to really clean up and clear out… a true soul level detox. For me, that means not only my physical space but also my emotional and mental space as well. What have I been hanging on to that no longer serves me? What identities have I been so attached to that I am keeping myself in a box? Am I just a cookie cutter person, or are authenticity and uniqueness my gift? If I believe it is, how can I give space to that if I don’t have room? The noise and clutter will continue to build for me, and all I do is spout out what everyone else is saying….

No more… the fire has been lit… everything is being burned down in the sense that I can see what is me and mine. As a Virgo rising, this is the persona that I show to the world, but if it’s not truly me, all I am is a puppet for someone else. Don’t get me wrong, part of my purpose on this earth is to shine a spotlight on others’ gifts but in the way that I see them.. through my unique lens.

Let’s dive deeper into this moon, shall we? The Full Moon moved into Virgo on March 7th. This is the final full moon of the astrological year! It is also called the Worm Moon. Happening right before the Spring Equinox, it’s no wonder the pull to deep clean and organize is so strong! We often think of people who are super organized and clean freaks when we find out they’re a Virgo. It’s partly true that Virgoian people tend to like things organized, but Virgo is so much deeper than that! 

Virgo carefully analyzes and monitors what is useful and useless and teaches us that the devil is in the details. The small and practical things, like day-to-day habits and routines, do their part in creating a bigger picture. Our diet, exercise regimes, relationships, emotional well-being, mindsets, beliefs and self-talk all contribute to our overall fulfillment and happiness. Now is the time to do a bit of Spring cleaning before the equinox and take inventory of what is or isn’t keeping our systems running optimally. 

It’s also a deeply spiritual and devotional sign that’s quite underrated. The Virgo symbol’s ancient origin is a virgin, representing the highest ideal of purification. Virgo is so much more than cleanliness and organization, it’s about cleansing and healing on a deep soul level. 

Saturn moved into Pisces on the same day of the full moon and this is one of the most important transits of the year. It asks us to ground our dreams and fantasies into reality by deciding what we want to commit to and putting in the work. This placement can manifest in many other ways, such as boundary setting, developing discipline through spiritual practices, character building around compassion, trust, and letting go, and lastly, confronting addictions. This is a great time to get practical about what we need to release and cultivate in order to make our dreams a reality. Make lists, organize, and create daily routines that set you up for success. 

The planets, Neptune, Mercury, and the Sun, in Pisces encourage us to go within and meditate on murky waters in our lives. We’re bringing our awareness to whatever is cluttering our mental, physical, and spiritual spaces so we can assess our relationships to these things and let them go. Purifying the waters will allow us to see things more clearly, illuminating the path to creating something new with the Spring equinox (Ostara). This is especially important with Saturn in Pisces, grounding our dreams and fantasies into reality.  Pisces is the opposite complimentary sign to Virgo. They balance each other out.  Where Pisces is all about the ethereal and dream-like states – Virgo is practical, earth bound and grounded. Where one is about bringing spirituality into earth, into the body, and daily life – the other is about bringing groundedness into our spiritual lives. 

“We are in a month of change and renewal, and the things that need to be left behind will reveal themselves. For when we turn our backs on them they will be left in past rememberings for good. Which means anything solidified now will have lasting impact. All that is unhealthy is washed away to make space for new soil and seeds. Listen. Decide. The power to create what you dream is in your hands.” Magic of I. 


What needs to be cleaned up in your life? A great way to really dive deep into this is to set a bedtime intention. Ask yourself, what do I need to know for my highest good? Know that the answer will be given to you… be in gratitude and drift into peaceful sleep~

Sources: Rising Woman, Tamed Wild, Magic of I

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