Full Moon in Leo

How has this full moon been treating you? As you know, the effects of the moon can be felt three days prior and for up to three days after! Full moons are also illuminating….. what have you seen shining bright in your life? Have there been shadows popping up as well?

We are in the second month of the new year already and time has been flying by! One of the things that I have been learning along the lines of quantum physics, is how the gap between time, space and motion is getting smaller. So no, you are not going crazy…. time is “speeding up”!

We celbrated the full moon in Leo yesterday and in my area it was shining so bright in the sky. As a matter of fact, I even saw her this morning when I left for the gym. I always feel like it’s a magick moment when I see the moon in the morning 🥰

The themes for this moon are: Be Bold, Shine Bright and Love Hard!

According to Rising Woman “Leo beckons us to believe in ourselves and to take center stage in our lives. Many of us tend toward hiding in the background to make others comfortable, or are scared to put ourselves out there. We can use the power and energy of Leo this week to really claim who we are and allow ourselves to be seen (if we so desire). 

Don’t be surprised if you start to see ways you hold yourself back this week, as the Sun (what’s conscious) is shining on the Moon (our unconscious). We may see ourselves in a brand new way.

The Sun is in Aquarius, the sign opposite Leo. This axis is all about balancing the needs of others with our own selfish wants and desires. Where some of us tend toward focusing our energy and time on the collective, others tend toward self focus. The highest exemplification of the Leo/Aquarius axis is to balance ourselves beautifully in the centre – caring for both the good of ourselves and the benefit of others.”

Something is brewing to fullness which still feels unknown.

Uranus squares the opposing sun and moon bringing an electric air of ‘anything can happen’ energy. Lightning strikes, breakthroughs, breakdowns, inspiration, agitation, turning points.

Relational dynamics may feel some disrupt or tension, so proceed with awareness and loving kindness. Bravery around being authentic, independent and honest to yourself will help quell inner tensions. This Full Moon will also impact our relationships as there’s a strong hard square aspect between Mars and Venus. Venus is the planet of love, but more-so the romantic kind of love we see in the movies. With a hard aspect to Mars we may experience more fighting with partners, ending of relationships or endings of our challenges with our love patterns. Tempers can right high this, so watch out for quarrels and take the high road where you can. Be aware with Valentine’s Day just around the corner… 

This Leo Full Moon is the final Full Moon in Leo during the transit of Saturn in Aquarius, which means we will have this lunation and feel this energy in the same way for 28 years. This transit is asking us reflect on the last three years of Saturn in Aquarius and take responsibility for our energy.

This is the time to go into your heart and shut out the noise from the outside world. This is the time to connect with your deepest sense of self, your inner fire, and your most intimate understanding of who you truly are. Take a moment with yourself to get quiet and remember all of the elements of who you are that make you unique. It is important to notice when you are comparing yourself to others or to what society deems as great. This is our time as a collective to stand proud and tall knowing that who we are is exquisite and utterly incomparable to anyone else- in all of our glory and even in our darkest moments.

Questions to ask yourself:

Where have I ignored my boldness, my inner knowing and intuitive guidance?
Do I have resistance in trusting my heart?
Am I ready to show up?

Full Moon Ritual

  1. Close your eyes and feel deep into your heart – don’t rush this process, really feel into it
  2. When you feel ready to write down one area or specific thing (or person) in your life it’s time to let go of. 
  3. Burn the piece of paper. As it burns really imagine letting it go. 
  4. Celebrate…. sing, dance and have fun!

The Moon Deck
Rising Woman 
Magic of I

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