Full Moon in Capricorn – July 3, 2023

I don’t know about you but this full moon hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt like I’ve been on a week long caffeine high, with nervous jittery energy. Pair that with intense body heat and I feel like a raging inferno whose soul purpose is to rip someone a new one….. Yeah, real fun and loads of joy to be around, right?! But one thing that I am learning is to just feel all the emotions, allow the energy to flow through me and not judge it but allow…

The Moon Deck shared, “As a reminder, Full Moons, which occur around every 28 days always fall in the opposite zodiac sign that the Sun is in. We are in Cancer season, the water sign representing our emotional body, nurturance, and the motherly energy that we all carry. Capricorn is an earth sign ruled by Saturn representing the fatherly energy of the zodiac, responsibility, authority, and discipline. All in all, we are in a zodiac season which beckons us to ride the waves of life and enjoy the flow of our emotions, experiencing a Full Moon moment of some much-needed direction and structure to support our process.”

They also shared, “This is a time of diving deeply into our feels but not so deep that we feel as though we will be swallowed by the sea of emotions.” I think I forgot the not so deep part! πŸ˜‰

This moon is the perfect time to really look at our own life and see where we need to let go to let in. According to Rising Woman, “The Full Moon is asking us to find the sweet spot in-between, balancing the opposing forces. We are in Cancer season, so listen to those whispers and gentle nudges from your intuitive soul. The Capricorn energy will provide the oomph and the ambition to take strategic, aligned action. You will be feeling more determined than ever to get the job done.”

We are at the halfway point of this year. This is the perfect time to reflect on the first half of this year and also look ahead for the next half. What would you like to accomplish? This can be something as simple as spending more time in silence to planning a new career path! The choice is yours!

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