Emotional Detox: Brace Yourself for the New Moon’s Rollercoaster

This week’s astrological chaos is reaching a peak today, July 5th, with a New Moon in Cancer. Think of it as the universe’s way of forcing you to sift through your emotional clutter. This lunar event is the perfect excuse to cut ties with the past, resolve family drama, or start afresh. It’s like emotional spring cleaning, except it’s midsummer and you’re already running on fumes.

Since July 2, Neptune has been retrograde in Pisces, casting a delightful fog over your mind and ensuring you feel thoroughly bewildered. It’s a perfect time to pretend you’re honing your intuition and dealing with karmic messes. At the same time, Mercury has strutted into Leo, turning every conversation into a dramatic spectacle. Watch out for the aftermath of yesterday’s Mercury-Pluto opposition, which likely stirred up power struggles and intense exchanges. Try to focus on “positive transformations”—if you can find any amidst the cosmic mess.

Venus, still lounging in Cancer until July 11, has you clinging to your loved ones with the possessiveness of a dragon guarding its hoard. But don’t expect smooth sailing in your relationships—especially around today and tomorrow, as Venus squares Chiron, bringing insecurities and existential questions about your commitments to the forefront.

Adding to the mix, Mars in Taurus is sextiling Saturn in Pisces today, offering a fleeting sense of discipline. Use this rare burst of productivity wisely before the Moon in Cancer brings a tidal wave of introspection, making you question why you even bother tackling your to-do list.

So, buckle up for this emotional rollercoaster and cosmic confusion. After all, what’s life without a little celestial drama?

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