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Book Review

Book Review: The Astrology House

I had the pleasure of reading an early copy of “The Astrology House” by Carinn Jade over the weekend. I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The story was captivating, with a plot that kept me engrossed from start to finish. The characters were well-developed and engaging, and the integration of astrology throughout the narrative added a unique and intriguing element to the story. I highly recommend adding “The Astrology House” to your summer reading list!

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Victoria Volk

DO Pet Loss Differently

Losing a beloved pet is one of life’s most heart-wrenching experiences. Whether you have experienced the death or loss of a beloved cat, dog, bird, turtle, or horse – it doesn’t matter. The bond of a pet is unlike the bonds of our human companions and is one of the most minimized losses. The bond you had share with your pet is special because they were special to you. Hello! I’m Victoria, your guide through pet loss grief, fellow animal

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Miah Parrett

Longing and Loss

Some people believe you can’t pinpoint the exact moment in time where you lost everything. Usually it’s a number of factors, like time, age, where and how. For me, it’s who. Maybe writing all of this down will give me some piece of mind, my court mandated counselor seems to think so. I’m pretty sure they’re just doing everything they can to keep me out of trouble. You wanna know what I think? That none of this is going to

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Emotional Detox: Brace Yourself for the New Moon’s Rollercoaster

This week’s astrological chaos is reaching a peak today, July 5th, with a New Moon in Cancer. Think of it as the universe’s way of forcing you to sift through your emotional clutter. This lunar event is the perfect excuse to cut ties with the past, resolve family drama, or start afresh. It’s like emotional spring cleaning, except it’s midsummer and you’re already running on fumes. Since July 2, Neptune has been retrograde in Pisces, casting a delightful fog over

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Samhain: A Deep Dive into Celtic and Scottish Traditions

Samhain, a festival deeply entrenched in Celtic and Scottish traditions, is more than just a celebration of the end of the harvest season and the onset of winter. It’s a spiritual gateway, a time when the veil between our world and the Otherworld is at its thinnest, allowing for profound connections with the cosmos and the metaphysical realm. While some of us are trying to figure out if Samhain is about ending summer or welcoming winter, the stars are having

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Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra: A Harmonious Cosmic Ballet

The cosmos never ceases to amaze, and come October 14, 2023, we’re in for a celestial treat. The solar eclipse coinciding with a new moon in Libra promises a dance of balance, beauty, and new beginnings. The Solar Eclipse: A Celestial Alignment with Libra’s Grace A solar eclipse happens when the moon aligns perfectly between the Earth and the Sun, casting a temporary shadow upon our world. This alignment, especially in the sign of Libra, is a rare and powerful

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Book Review

Book Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses

Sarah J. Maas’s “A Court of Thorns and Roses” is a masterful tapestry of fantasy that beckoned me into its intricate folds. The series introduces us to a world where the boundaries between reality and myth are tenuous, and where every shadow might just hide a secret. At the heart of this tale is Feyre, a young woman whose life is irrevocably altered by a single act. As she navigates a realm filled with wonders and dangers, she’s forced to

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The Autumn Equinox and the Celebration of Mabon

In the shadowed embrace of the universe, as the wheel of the year turns once more, we find ourselves at the threshold of the Autumn Equinox. This is the time of Mabon, a sacred celebration that beckons us to delve deep into the metaphysical realms, to seek clarity amidst the obscurity, and to harness the potent energies of the crystals that resonate with this mystical season. The Descent into Darkness As the sun’s golden rays wane and the nights grow

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Inspiration & Motivation

My Tattoo Story

Gather ’round and make yourself comfortable. Maybe grab that drink you’ve been craving because it’s story time. Let me take you on a journey through the ink on my skin, a story that’s more than just skin deep. You see, tattoos, for me, are like chapters in a book, each one telling a story of a particular time, emotion, or belief. And trust me, it’s always a good idea to ink something that resonates with your soul. Take it from

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Meet the Authors

Harmony Garcia - The Bliss Broker

HI Y’all! I am Harmony, a 40 something women who has walked through some dark moments; I have worked hard to come out stronger and in that I became inspired to serve. As a Confidence Coach, I have dedicated my life to helping women find their spark, chase their spark & live vividly.

Victoria Volk - Grief + Energy
As an Adv. Cert. Grief Recovery Specialist, Reiki Master, and Cert. YouMap® Coach, my greatest joy is helping others heal what’s emotionally incomplete, what’s energetically holding them back, and then witnessing them rise to their potential as a result of the deep, inner-work I guide them through.
Angie Tutterrow - Adventure Seeker

Angie loves to travel, is an adventure seeker & a coffee fanatic! Plus she is the epitome of opposites! You will either find her in a quiet corner reading a book, soaking up the sunshine by the ocean, screaming at a hockey game or rocking out at a concert! With a heart for helping others, she is the one you find behind your connection calls.

Michelle Marsh - Well Being

Michelle provides guidance through intuitive higher connection, breath, creativity & plant medicine. She has fused her past professions of Registered Nurse, Hypnotherapist, and Coach, with her studies & experience in breathwork, alchemical and western plant medicine, natural living, and creative therapies, to help others connect deeply with themselves, others, and nature.

Miah Parrett - Gamer, Writer, Crim Major


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