“What a chaotic day so far.” Sagittarius thinks to himself as his parents are rushing around the castle and collecting their final things so they can leave for Kings Cross. “Mom, Mother, are we ready to go?” Sagittarius says with trepidation, he hears a reply from Dove, “Yes hun, we’re almost ready to go. Rose just needs to clean up a faulty potion.” she says with a small bit of annoyance and a lot of amusement behind her voice.
Sagittarius nods to himself and piles the rest of his books away in a suitcase with his Legilimency books at the bottom under his clothes, while not exactly forbidden to have them they are considered to be somewhat taboo in nature by certain members of the Hogwarts staff. At his mother’s advice, he will resolve to learn how to transfigure book covers first. With that thought in mind, Sagittarius heads out of his room down the lavish castle staircase towards the main archway exit of the stronghold. He waits at the exit and sees his mothers approaching just as he was almost nodding off.
Still extremely early in the morning, with the sun shining brightly through the overall cloudy skies. Rose and Dove approach Sagittarius, before Dove takes his hand and says, “Hold on tight dear, a side-along apparition is not a fun experience the first time.” he nods and mentally prepares before the feeling of being sucked into a narrow vacuum dominates his senses and mind, Sagittarius almost keels over as his feet touch solid ground, briefly righting himself as Dove and Rose gives off an amused look.
Sagittarius looks around the busy platform and notices that none of them muggles seem to have noticed them, which is odd in its own right. “Why do they not notice us suddenly appearing out of thin air?” he quietly intones to Dove, she responds by telling him about the vast Muggle-Repelling and Notice-Me-Not charms on this platform.
They all continue walking through the crowd, the charms masking their presence as well. They make it to a very conspicuous wall that seems to radiate suspicion, mostly because all the muggles seem to avoid it like the plague, Sagittarius’ parents look back at him again, this time Rose says, “Alright kid, time to work your deduction powers again, see what you can see.” she smiles as she says this with confidence that she thinks he’ll be able to do this. Sagittarius looks around the platform before sighing and blinking hard, noticing this is the dead centre of platforms 9 and 10, as well as all the muggles avoiding this specific spot completely. “Must be where the charms are centred on, which means that there’s something about this wall that they need to hide. Might as well try and see what happens.” he walks forward towards the wall with a calculating look, before putting his hand on it, and almost stumbling as his hand passes through it completely.
Sagittarius looks back to see Rose beaming with pride, and Dove has a more slight but equally proud smile. He steps through the wall and opens his eyes to see multiple wizards and witches of all kinds with children and pets, he feels two hands on his shoulders, with his mothers leading him up towards the train labelled Hogwarts Express.
As he loads his luggage, he turns back towards his parents giving them each a smile and hugs, “Thank you for bringing me here, I love you both, and please don’t blow anything up while I’m not home please.” he laughs a bit, they both look at each other before speaking at the same time “Sorry hun/dear not gonna happen.” They smirk and give him a kiss on each of his cheeks, “Make us proud at Hogwarts and don’t get detention in the first week.” Said Dove, with slight tears in her eyes. Sagittarius nods and looks back at the train, seeing it getting ready to take off.
He hugs his mothers again; they wave him off as the train starts to ride down the tracks, he settles down and starts to scope the compartments, eventually finding what he’s looking for. Throwing the doors open. “Well my friends, are you ready to shake Hogwarts down to its core,” Sagittarius says with a broad smirk looking at his friends Aurora and Orion Black. They look at each other and nod back with equal smirks, “Why yes we are.”