
Longing and Loss

Some people believe you can’t pinpoint the exact moment in time where you lost everything. Usually it’s a number of factors, like time, age, where and how. For me, it’s who. Maybe writing all of this down will give me some piece of mind, my court mandated counselor seems to think so. I’m pretty sure they’re just doing everything they can to keep me out of trouble. You wanna know what I think? That none of this is going to bring Hina back. No matter what I do, or what I write, all of this is for nothing….I guess it […]

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My Tattoo Story

Gather ’round and make yourself comfortable. Maybe grab that drink you’ve been craving because it’s story time. Let me take you on a journey through the ink on my skin, a story that’s more than just skin deep. You see, tattoos, for me, are like chapters in a book, each one telling a story of a particular time, emotion, or belief. And trust me, it’s always a good idea to ink something that resonates with your soul. Take it from someone who got a ring tattooed in 2015 and ended up divorced by 2016. Yep, that happened. #LessonLearned This is

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Chapter 6. The First Classes

The next morning Sagittarius was awoken by the sound of the shower in their dorm, rolling over he grabbed his wand and cast a quick Tempus to check the time, “5:45? Didn’t know he was that much of an early riser.” Sagittarius groans and waits, about fifteen minutes later, Harry walks out of the bathroom with a towel on his head and spells himself dry once he grabs his wand and glasses. “Good morning, sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up.” Harry says a bit sheepishly, grabbing some books out and sitting on his bed. “It’s fine, please just

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Chapter 5 The Sorting Ceremony

“So where is Mr. Celebrity? I’ve been looking forward to meeting him officially.” Sagittarius said with a grin while looking at the other two. “At the moment he’s preemptively getting changed, he should be back any second I’m guessing.” Orion replied with a book in hand. Aurora and Sagittarius both raise an eyebrow at him, “Preemptively? Really, what do you have, a dictionary on hand you’ve been studying?” Speaking of the devil himself, Sagittarius turns around to see a black-haired male adorned in freshly affixed robes, about as tall as him with glasses, and the ever-so-famous lightning bolt scar adorned

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Chapter 4 – Platform 9 3/4

“What a chaotic day so far.” Sagittarius thinks to himself as his parents are rushing around the castle and collecting their final things so they can leave for Kings Cross. “Mom, Mother, are we ready to go?” Sagittarius says with trepidation, he hears a reply from Dove, “Yes hun, we’re almost ready to go. Rose just needs to clean up a faulty potion.” she says with a small bit of annoyance and a lot of amusement behind her voice. Sagittarius nods to himself and piles the rest of his books away in a suitcase with his Legilimency books at the

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Chapter 3 – Divulging Talents

As we made our way out of Madam Malkins, Aurora and Sagittarius looked around for her dad. She taps his shoulder and nods towards the direction of Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlour. There they see a tall shaggy black-haired (A bit more curly than Sagittarius’ own) relatively built, grey-eyed man, wearing a similar leather jacket to his daughter. Eating a chocolate ice cream cone with a younger boy standing next to him. Sagittarius smiles seeing his friend and Aurora’s twin brother, Orion looking relatively the same as he remembered. His crew-cut black hair now had a bit of almost gold

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Chapter 2: The Wand Chooses The Wizard.

As they all make their way into the great halls of Gringotts Wizarding Bank, Sagittarius is reminded that they’ve never actually met a Goblinkin before, so it’s probably best for his parents to do the talking for now. They made their way to an unoccupied desk and Dove said smoothly, “Hello, we along with our son would like to make a withdrawal from our vault.” The Goblin looked over his glasses at them all, “Name and vault key?” He spoke slowly, sounding extremely bored. Dove smirks slightly, before sliding over a key and replying, “LeFay, specifically Vault 600.” The Goblin

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History Rewritten

This story is heavily inspired by Harry Potter and the Prince of Slytherin: by The Sinister Man. Check their story out! I do not own Harry Potter or anything affiliated with the series, and all of it is owned by J.K Rowling. Pronouns are as follows: Sagittarius – He/They: Aurora – She/Her and Orion – He/Him. Chapter 1. New Beginnings. “Virtus absoluta absolute corrumpitur..”  Sagittarius mutters to himself as he gets ready to head out for the day. This is probably the thousandth time he’s remembered the family’s motto, but they’re one for sentimentality, so he might as well say it

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