
Motivation and Habits Part 1

Motivation… it comes in waves and is not always sustainable, and it is fleeting at times. That’s why we have to have solid habits in places. Habits that stick, no matter the circumstances or location, are important and lasting and are the building blocks to health and wellness. Motivation is high for me right now, but my habits keep me on track for the long haul. That sets me up for success even when I don’t feel like it or want to. Having a goal to achieve also helps as well. But I have to not be attached to the […]

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Pure Magic Oracle

This morning, I felt called to pull a card from the Pure Magic Oracle Deck. Two of them came out! Witches Wound: Remedy. Magical medicine. Sacred heart. Another day.This card is a reminder that sometimes we repeat our lessons so we can continue to master our heart. Do not abuse the mind or spirit or doubt that things will ever change. Wherever you or another is learning deeply, be still and remember to be patient. Florida Waters: Natural form. Enchanted portion. Red roses. Cleansing.When the Florida waters card appears, it is time to take a step back and return to

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January Full Moon in Cancer

Also known as the Wolf Moon: In winter, the wolf does not hibernate and becomes the king of the forest. This moon brings strength and inner security. Themes: Healing, feeling like you can take a breath of fresh air, clarity, and emotions. Cancer is a very emotional water sign. With this full moon being in the sign of cancer, it will give us a sense of coming up for a breath of fresh air after a long period of heaviness. It also amplifies the mother archetype; allowing us to tap into the inner mother that nurtures us when we are weary

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Disappointments, Expectations & Attachments

Disappointments… life is full of them but when they are tied to expectations, it is a different level. Disappointments teach you to not be attached…. attached to things, attached to outcomes or even attached to life. When you release all attachments and expectations then disappointments become non existent. But that is easier to say or write than to do. However, if we live our lives without expectations or attachments, we come free. Free from this world; free from that which holds us down… and then we can fly!

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No Rules, Just Guidelines

There are no rules, just guidelines to be followed. What works for one may not work for others. If you stick to a hard set of rules that were not meant for you, you face burnout, depression, and possibly even disease. Find out what works for you in that season or even that moment, and work with it. Follow your guides; follow your intuition. You know deep down what’s best for you. Trust yourself. Ask your subconscious to show you your path. Be open. Be open to change. Don’t be stuck on a set of preconceived ideas written by man

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The Sacred Forest Oracle Deck

I decided to pull cards from the Sacred Forest deck this morning. It just seemed like a fitting way to celebrate Winter Solstice and Yule. This deck has quickly become one of my favorites. I love the artistry and the descriptions. As I was shuffling, these cards jumped out! I was blessed with three messages! Description Best-selling author and oracle expert Denise Linn guides you through the Sacred Forest, introducing you to nature spirits and sacred realms with each lavishly illustrated card. Each card in this oracle deck is a special key that opens an energy portal to the Sacred

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Yule or Winter Solstice

One of eight seasonal festivals in the Celtic Wheel of the Year, Yule is the festival marking the death and rebirth of the sun. As the shortest day and longest night of the year, Yule—also known as the Winter Solstice—is a time for gathering in darkness and honoring the return of light. In ancestral times, this holiday was marked by great reverence inspiring celebration and feast! Back when sunlight meant the difference between life and death, the beginning of its triumphant return meant a great deal. So much so that the Celtic people built one of their greatest monuments—Stonehenge—to align perfectly with

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The North Node

While doing astrology research lately, I found a post by Dara Dubinet regarding North and South Nodes. It caught my attention, so I did a deep dive into her content! My quick feedback so you can check out the information yourself…  Dara explains, “The north and south nodes are found in your natal astrology chart. They are not planets, but rather, mathematical points that fall into two opposing signs.” For example, For example, my north node is in Scorpio, and my south node will be in Taurus, its opposite sign. “The nodes are karmic, and they represent where you have

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The History Samhain (pronounced saah-win) is a Gaelic word that translates to “summer’s end”. It is is a time-honored tradition followed by witches, Wiccans, ancient druids, and countless other modern pagans across the world. The pagan festival originating from Celtic spiritual tradition marks the midpoint between fall equinox and winter solstice. It’s the time of year to finish the season’s harvests and bring the cows in from the pasture. The Celtic year is divided into two halves – the light and the dark. Samhain marks the beginning of the dark part of the year, when people prepare for the less

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Soulful Woman

During a recent trip to Sedona, I was introduced to the Soulful Woman Guidance Card deck. I was immediately drawn to it’s bold colors and amazing imagery. The gentleman behind the counter told me to pull a card. It truly spoke to my soul. I will be doing a full card reading within the Sacred Circle but wanted to introduce the deck to everyone. “The Soulful Woman Guidance Cards are a beautiful and original deck of 48 cards that carry soulful teachings for empowerment, self worth and manifesting from the sacred feminine.  The cards’ unique teachings are drawn from my

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