
Peach Moonstone

Theme: Self Discovery, Essence of Mother Earth, in touch with inner spirit Moonstone is a stone of self-discovery at the highest of levels. Infuse your body with the essence of Mother Earth and become more in touch with your inner spirit than you ever have before. Allow Moonstone’s energy to truly engage your intuitive spirit and pave the way for growth, opportunity, and action. Peach Moonstone shares the same divine feminine energies as other Moonstone varieties, but offers an extra special connection between your heart and personal will (solar plexus). It is a more inward-loving mineral and helps reignite your passion […]

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Let’s discuss a crystal that might not be as familiar to you. I purchased this crystal on a Sacred Six trip to Nashville at the Nashville Crystal Store. Phenakite or Phenacite is a beryllium silicate that belongs to the phenakite group of minerals.  It is a rare mineral, especially in well-formed crystals with transparency. It is found in pegmatitic pockets and is associated with gemstones such as topaz, beryl especially emerald, chrysoberyl and smoky quartz. This stone is transparent to translucent with a vitreous lustre.  It occurs as colourless and white but also occurs with tints of yellow, brown and

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Choice…. everything in life is a choice and the choices you make change your course of history… good or bad. One instantaneous decision can alter life as you know it and could lead to a life you really didn’t want. Choice and consequences, again good or bad / big or little, it doesn’t really matter… it boils down to reactions and habits, asking yourself right before the moment of choice… is this worth it or not… am I willing to sacrifice everything because of this choice? LIfe is full of choices, we make them every day from the moment our

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New Moon in Pisces

I don’t know about you, but this new moon hit me upside the head with a 2×4! I have been emotional, triggered and downright negative! Add to the fact, that I was on my period, making everything to the ‘nth degree!!  This lunation occurs in the last sign of the zodiac, the sign of Pisces which is ruled by water. This is a spiritual sign~one that can be associated with fantasy, illusion, dreams, emotions, and spiritual seeking. We are being called to surrender. What we are surrendering will depend on us. This is a beautiful opportunity to release and cleanse

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Valentines Day

How about some fun history all about Valentine’s Day?! Although there is no indefinite information regarding the origin of Valentine’s Day, some believe it has pagan roots in the Lupercalia Festival from Roman Times.  According to Wild Witch of the West; “like many Christian holidays or rituals that have Pagan roots many historians believe Valentine’s Day evolved from the Roman holiday Lupercalia. While modern ideals of purity involved chastity, modesty, or calmness, Lupercalia was celebrated with nudity, animal sacrifices, and sexual rites. These rituals were said to ward off evil spirits and infertility and assist with purification of the (a

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Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards

Today, I felt like I was supposed to pull a card from the Angels and Ancestors Oracle deck. However, there were 4 cards that jumped out! I really resonated with the message that was given to me and for all of us.1. Lord – Take Charge with Authority. Message: Don’t be afraid to take charge or use your voice. Be strong. 2. Peacekeeper – Let Go of the Need to Be Right. Message: Choose peace and happiness over the need to be right. Rather than trying to prove a point, save your energy for what’s important. 3. High Priest –

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Full Moon in Leo

How has this full moon been treating you? As you know, the effects of the moon can be felt three days prior and for up to three days after! Full moons are also illuminating….. what have you seen shining bright in your life? Have there been shadows popping up as well? We are in the second month of the new year already and time has been flying by! One of the things that I have been learning along the lines of quantum physics, is how the gap between time, space and motion is getting smaller. So no, you are not

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Jen Stillion: the Body Movement Expert and Spiritual Manifestation Mentor

One of the things that I am excited to do on this website is to share people I consider my friends and mentors. One of those would be Jen Stillion! I met Jen in one of my other mentor’s programs. She was always high vibe, high energy, and always dancing. I was drawn to her energy and her “come as she is” personality. She was and is just really fun but will also tell you like it is….. with a loving ‘bitch slap’! When she started her podcast and Facebook group, I quickly joined! One of the first things I

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New Moon in Aquarius

First off I just have to say.. notice the date of the full moon… 12123 WOW!Number 1 encourages you to step forward and start something new, different and life-changing. Number 2 sets you on your course with balance, faith and ability, and number 3 sees expansion of concepts and life-themes, and expressing and communicating from your authentic self. Angel Number 123 can be seen as a number of progression and/or steps along a journey or life path.You can read the whole post here: Angel Numbers Themes:Spontaneity, Curiosity and Forward MomentumSuper MoonLunar New YearChinese New Year There is a sense of rebelliousness and

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Does the Moon Affect Your Sleep?

A recent discussion with a person very close to me has resulted in me writing this article. Actually, it was more of a challenge, “You write a paper on how the moon affects your sleep then we will talk about it.” So here I am writing this article!  Does the moon really affect your sleep? This is a discussion that has been had for many, many years. Ancient Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder claimed that the moon could “penetrate all things” and theorized about its influence on tides, marine life, plants, animals, and human activity.  According to the Sleep Foundation,

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