
New Moon Cancer – July 2023

New Moon in Cancer July 2023 One of the things that I have learned about myself is that I can feel the energy of the upcoming moon or other astrological events before they actually happen. It seems like it starts culminating weeks ahead, and then on the actual event, I realize that’s exactly how I had been feeling.  That being said, the last few weeks have been extremely intense… feeling heavy, chaotic, and overwhelming. When I started looking at what they call the astrological event of the year, I began to understand why I had been feeling all this heavy […]

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Book Review: Heal the Witch Wound

My first encounter with Celeste, also known as Mage By Moonlight, was on Instagram. Funny enough, my husband saw a reel by her and shared it with me. I quickly started following her and went on a retreat she hosted in Scotland. When she announced she had written a book, Heal the Witch Wound, I quickly pre ordered it and then waited not so patiently for it to arrive. I intended to finish reading it before I left for Scotland, but the book is so rich in information and rituals that I slowed down to immerse myself in words. The

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Full Moon in Capricorn – July 3, 2023

I don’t know about you but this full moon hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt like I’ve been on a week long caffeine high, with nervous jittery energy. Pair that with intense body heat and I feel like a raging inferno whose soul purpose is to rip someone a new one….. Yeah, real fun and loads of joy to be around, right?! But one thing that I am learning is to just feel all the emotions, allow the energy to flow through me and not judge it but allow… The Moon Deck shared, “As a reminder, Full

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Thoughts From Scotland

Sitting in the airport, Getting ready to board a plane for my first solo trip abroad  Excited energy is pulsing thru my veins  I am ready  I’ve been ready This is the moment that I’ve been waiting for  The moment that I’ve written about… Manifesting believing and visualizing  I am free I am an adventurer  I am ready  This is the first of many  The first trip that sets the precedence  The tone for the trips to come  The first that opens the gateway to more The first that shows my inner self it can be done  Abundance, gratitude and

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Beltane, also known as May Day, is an ancient Gaelic festival celebrated on May 1st. It marks the beginning of summer and is a time of fertility, growth, and celebration. Beltane is a time to honor the earth and its cycles, and to celebrate the return of the sun and longer days. Historically, Beltane was a time for communities to come together and celebrate the fertility of the land. People would light bonfires, dance around the Maypole, and perform rituals to ensure a successful harvest. It was believed that Beltane was a time when the veil between the worlds of

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Solar Return Reading

With my birthday being next week, I decided to book a solar return chart reading. I recently started following Hannah with Simply Witched on Instagram and saw that she did readings. I quickly booked my appointment and just finished the call with her this morning. Hannah went into detail about what my next year would be like but made sure she took the time to confirm everything and ask questions to ensure the information resonated with me. I really enjoyed how she explained my chart and how she found her information. We had our meeting on zoom, and she followed

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W.I.T.C.H. Oracle Deck

This was the first kickstarter project I backed in 2021! I received the WITCH oracle deck this weekend and wanted to share it with all of you. W.I.T.C.H. is the limited edition 46-card oracle deck by Angi Sullins & Silas Toball. This deck arrives in a collectible box with magnetic closures and includes a 120-page book and organza bag for easy transportation. You can find out more details here:

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New Moon in Aries

Can you feel it? That buzzing energy that is building inside of you.. the stirring sensation just waiting to burst forth?? Welcome to the New Moon in Aries and the beginning of our astrological year! What was dormant is now being awoken… like a spark or an ember just ready to burst into flame! That cannonball energy, just before the match touches the wick… ready to leap forward…. Yes, I am feeling it too, but it is also an interesting combination of surrender, letting go and letting the universe do its thing. Be willing to launch from the cannon knowing

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Spring Equinox and Ostara

Welcome to a new season… It’s time to celebrate the spring equinox; the astrological new year. This is the day when there are equal amounts of light and darkness, and it feels like the time to actually begin the new year. The sun is brighter, the birds are chirping, and new life is peaking out of the ground. It makes me what to start planting even though I know it is way too early in my area! This is also the celebration of Ostara, one of the eight sabbats in the Wheel of the Year. “It is named after the

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Full Moon in Virgo

This Full Moon has brought up a lot for me this week. The urge or need to really clean up and clear out… a true soul level detox. For me, that means not only my physical space but also my emotional and mental space as well. What have I been hanging on to that no longer serves me? What identities have I been so attached to that I am keeping myself in a box? Am I just a cookie cutter person, or are authenticity and uniqueness my gift? If I believe it is, how can I give space to that

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