Book Review: Heal the Witch Wound

My first encounter with Celeste, also known as Mage By Moonlight, was on Instagram. Funny enough, my husband saw a reel by her and shared it with me. I quickly started following her and went on a retreat she hosted in Scotland.

When she announced she had written a book, Heal the Witch Wound, I quickly pre ordered it and then waited not so patiently for it to arrive. I intended to finish reading it before I left for Scotland, but the book is so rich in information and rituals that I slowed down to immerse myself in words.

The first part of the book goes into detail about the history of the witch trials or the burning times. While it is not easy to read about the horrible things that happened during this time, it is important to know and acknowledge the horrific acts done to women and men accused of witchcraft.
The second part of Healing the Witch Wound dives deep into the witch wound itself and how to recognize it in your own body. Celeste does an excellent job walking a person through all the feelings and emotions that will arise as you look at your own life. The book’s final part contains rituals to heal the witch wound.

I am so honored to have met Celeste in person and have to chance to learn from her during our rituals and medications on our trip. She is kind, caring, and willing to share her gifts with others. I am grateful to have this book in my collection and be able to use the rituals in my practices.

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