New Moon in Aquarius

First off I just have to say.. notice the date of the full moon… 12123 WOW!
Number 1 encourages you to step forward and start something new, different and life-changing. Number 2 sets you on your course with balance, faith and ability, and number 3 sees expansion of concepts and life-themes, and expressing and communicating from your authentic self. 
Angel Number 123 can be seen as a number of progression and/or steps along a journey or life path.
You can read the whole post here: Angel Numbers

Spontaneity, Curiosity and Forward Momentum
Super Moon
Lunar New Year
Chinese New Year

There is a sense of rebelliousness and cutting ties with our past so we can feel free alive. This moon is not only a super moon but is also the Dark Moon.

Aquarius is an Air sign traditionally ruled by Saturn (modernally ruled by Uranus) and can be a hard sign to grasp. It’s both rebellious and constricted, intellectual and outrageous, contained and quick, revolutionary and traditional since it’s co-ruled by these two very different planets. Aquarius is all about the collective, so you might be feeling the desire to deepen your reach.

If you held off on intentions or goal setting due to all the retrograde energy we were in, you might start feeling the urge and the forward motion. However, it is still a slow momentum. Think of it like the steam engine starting up; while it is slow momentum builder, it is still forward motion.

All planets are direct, all systems are go but because the planets are still in their shadow, it is that slow building moment.. steam engine vs the race car.

Don’t be surprised if unexpected and exciting things start happening quickly after this New Moon.

The sextile between the moon and Jupiter in Aries gives the flamethrower approach with the combination of fire and air; propelling us to take action, turn dreams into reality, full steam ahead while burning bridges to our past. It can bring electrifying breakthroughs. 

It’s time to break free of the narrative that no longer resonates.

The moon is also conjunct with Pluto there is an energy of Birth, Death, Renewal and connection to the underworld. 

  • Now is the time to start looking at your Structures and Systems
  • Continuing to Gather Information and Education
  • Future Planning and Vision Casting 
  • Rebuilding Foundations
  • Declutter, Detox and Clean Out
  • Do something differently 
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