New Moon in Pisces

I don’t know about you, but this new moon hit me upside the head with a 2×4! I have been emotional, triggered and downright negative! Add to the fact, that I was on my period, making everything to the ‘nth degree!! 

This lunation occurs in the last sign of the zodiac, the sign of Pisces which is ruled by water. This is a spiritual sign~one that can be associated with fantasy, illusion, dreams, emotions, and spiritual seeking. We are being called to surrender. What we are surrendering will depend on us. This is a beautiful opportunity to release and cleanse yourself of that which holds you. For this brief moment in time, we are given a sacred moment to pause and just BE.

This sign is symbolic of the culmination at the end of a journey. It’s the 12th sign in the zodiac, the last sign, so it represents the spiritual wisdom attained while travelling through the other signs. It’s a “Moksha” or “Enlightenment ” house in Vedic astrology. This house represents themes related to our spirituality, dream world and intuition. 

On the shadow side, a New Moon here can bring feelings of isolation, disillusionment, loneliness and disturbed sleep. This New Moon is also in a conjunction with Saturn – so the themes of isolation and loneliness can be even more prominent. 

Typically, New Moons are dedicated to setting intentions, goals, and formulating a plan to evolve and reach new heights in our journeys. Not this time, this special New Moon at just 1 degree of Pisces occurs the same day as Pisces Season begins so if we surrender to this sweet and soulful energy it will be exactly the sacred pause we need to begin this season of love, spirituality, and devotion with an essence of grace and faith. Breathe deep beloveds and know that in this moment you are so held by the cosmos!

When we have the annual New Moon in a sign, it’s the collective’s opportunity to imagine new ideas and skills that connect us to the energy of the sign. So for the New Moon in Pisces we are asked to take a brand new vision to the final sign. This is opportune because for the first time since 1993, Saturn will re-enter Pisces in two weeks until May 2025. So before the planet of mastery enters Pisces, we have this New Moon to meaningfully envision, “Who do I want to be? What do I want to do? And what do I want to have? Who do I want to be connected to?”

With the influence of Saturn in Aquarius, we’re asked to use our imaginations constructively, dreaming up future visions and plans to materialize them. This is a great time to tap into your intuition and lean on the divine for guidance. While mutable Pisces tends to go with the flow, Saturn brings structure to the creative process. It reminds us that grounding our dreams into reality takes time, work, and commitment. This placement also invites us to discern what we should and shouldn’t take responsibility for. It’s important that we own our role in the creation of our dreams while also leaving room for the divine to work its magic. Pisces is connected to surrender and letting go. It requires an element of trust in the timing of higher forces. Lastly, this placement highlights karma or limitations that we need to let go of, heal, and transcend in order to take a leap of faith. 

On the same day as the New Moon, Mars in Gemini forms a trine to Mercury in Aquarius giving us a bit more curiosity, levity, and critical thinking around these advanced ideas. It’s just the right amount of air for these deep waters. Additionally, Venus enters Aries until March 16th resetting our romantic and intimate relationships with more passion and aliveness.

During this New Moon, spend as much time as you can in water, near water, cleansing and purifying with water, and drinking lots of water. If you’re near the ocean or a lake, it’s a great time to go for a swim and let the water soothe you. 

Perform this ritual as a way to connect with this sacred element. 

1. Find a comfortable place to sit and meditate. This can be at a space in your home or out in nature by a natural water source. If you are in your home, pour water into a little bowl so you have water near you. 

2. Sit in front of the water and close your eyes. Take 5 deep breaths in and out of the nose. Tune into the waters circulating through your body. Our muscles and organs are made mostly of water. See if you can sense the fluidity moving through you. 

3. Turn towards gratitude. Feel into the gratitude for this element that is an essential part of you. From this place of gratitude, offer a blessing to the water. Speak your blessing out loud. Let it flow from an intuitive space.

All info from: 
Tamed Wild
The Moon Deck
Magic of I
Rising Woman

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