Chapter 3 – Divulging Talents

As we made our way out of Madam Malkins, Aurora and Sagittarius looked around for her dad. She taps his shoulder and nods towards the direction of Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlour. There they see a tall shaggy black-haired (A bit more curly than Sagittarius’ own) relatively built, grey-eyed man, wearing a similar leather jacket to his daughter. Eating a chocolate ice cream cone with a younger boy standing next to him.

Sagittarius smiles seeing his friend and Aurora’s twin brother, Orion looking relatively the same as he remembered. His crew-cut black hair now had a bit of almost gold specks in the spiked upfront, still about an inch taller than his twin counterpart. (He’ll never let her forget the height difference) Navy blue eyes, the only gene either twin received from the surrogate Sirius used. besides the fiery personality. “Makes sense though, Amelia Bones has a helluva personality.” Sagittarius thought to himself as they approached the father-son duo.

“Hey, kids! Did your fitting go okay?” Sirius said, looking at Aurora. “Yea dad, besides Draco, everything was fine.” She replied with a note of contempt towards the boy’s name. Sirius raises an eyebrow at this and laughs a bit at her obvious disgust. He turns to Sagittarius and smiles at the kid he hasn’t seen in about a year. “How are you Sagi! It’s been forever since I’ve seen you.” He says with a flare and drawl at the last word.

Sagittarius smiles a bit confused at the nickname, before replying. “I’ve been good, Lord Black. How about yourself Sir?” He replies with respect akin to his status of Lord.

Sirius looks a bit confused and almost affronted at the title usage, and Aurora elbows his rib (quite hard in Sagittarius’ opinion). Rolling her eyes she says. “You don’t need to pull title shit here dude.” Turning to her dad she continues. “Also why do you call him Sagi? Tarrius would be a much better nickname, dad.” She says with a smirk and a bit of an incredulous look at her father. Sirius rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment, “Yea, actually that probably is a lot better, to be honest.” Turning to Sagittarius. “Sorry for just going with a nickname without asking, kid. Do you mind?” He says towards the black-haired kid that isn’t his own. “Not at all Sir, a nickname is fine if that’s what you want.” Sagittarius replies with a smile. 

Aurora rolls her eyes once again at the title, before sitting down in one of the few pavilion-style chairs near the ice cream shop, pulling out her wand. “11″ Hazel Wood, Veela Hair, good for Charms” She says smirking, “Took me about an hour to find one and went through 20 wands, Orion got his too.” She nods to her brother and he grabs it from his pocket. “13″ Elder Wood, Dragon Heartstring, Ollivander said it was good for Transfiguration.” He says shrugging slightly. Sirius has a look of pride on his face looking at his kids. Aurora leans over to Sagittarius and whispers. “Harry got his yesterday when it was less crowded. 11,” Holly Wood, Phoenix Feather core, Ollivander said it was the brother of the wand that gave him his scar.”  She sighs at the last bit, before continuing. “I feel really bad for him, he never gets to go out for more than an hour or two at a time, less if it’s crowded. I understand why Sirius does it, but I can tell it’s getting to him.” Aurora looks a bit sad at this.

Sagittarius racks their brain for what to say at the moment. “Well, when he gets to Hogwarts we’ll just have to show him around a bunch and catch him up on what he’s missed won’t we?” He says in reply to her nervousness. She looks a lot more comfortable and relaxed after that. She nods and cracks her neck. She stands up. “By the way, two questions. Where are your moms and do you want ice cream?” She looks at him questioningly. “They are gathering potions supplies for the shop back home right now, also yes, coffee ice cream please.” She raises an eyebrow at their choice. Looking extremely like her father at that moment. She steps towards the stand and orders a mint chocolate chip and coffee waffle cones. She returns with the prize and hands it over.

They all sit in silence for a bit listening to the busy streetway, Sagittarius tries to tune out the conversations, as he feels his Legilimency wanting to work.  “It feels like it’s trying to force itself into place, this is giving me a headache.” Sagittarius sighs at that thought and rubs his left temple for a second, Aurora and Orion look a little concerned, he can feel it without even looking. Stupid Legilimency, he smiles reassuringly at them, they, unfortunately, don’t seem to buy it. “I’m fine guys, just a bit of a headache coming on.” Sagittarius says trying to convince them.

They both look at each other, before turning back to him and saying with the twin speak, “No, you aren’t.” It’s a little unnerving because they never speak at the same time typically. Sagittarius sighs again and looks around to see Sirius going into Flourish and Blotts, to buy his kids their books. Sagittarius motions them both closer, and they do so. “Remember when you bought me the Legilimency book because I said I was interested in it?” he says this to Aurora. She nods, they both continue looking at him interested in where this was going. “Well, according to my parents. I am something of a Natural Legilimens. Specifically the branch of it that lets me deduce and observe things at an especially heightened level. For instance, my parents had me use it to see if I could open the doorway to Diagon Alley, even though I’ve never been here. In a minute of time, I deduced how to open the doorway by the shifting of dust on the stone floor and the indentation of the bricks alone.”

As he continued, they both looked at him with differing expressions. Orion looked almost jealous and in awe of what he was being told. While Aurora looked excited but that she was trying to hide it. “I don’t fully know how it works for now, but I do know that I can’t turn it off. So sorry in advance if I deduce anything I shouldn’t.” He finished saying this before throwing his ice cream away and closing his eyes. He can still feel both of them looking at him and he forces his Legilimency not to reveal anything about what they’re feeling at the moment. “Personally, I think that’s really cool.” Sagittarius looks up to see Aurora looking at him with a genuine smile on her face. “We all have fun little quirks about us Tarrius.” She shrugs and looks at her brother. He smiles too and leans in a bit more. “I agree with my sister, what you have is a gift Sagittarius I’m proud of you for telling us.” Orion says with reassurance and pride in his voice for his friends gift. Sagittarius gives a small smile at that and looks at both of his friends. “Well, glad we got that outta the way.” he fully starts to smile and starts laughing a bit too.

He sees Aurora look behind him and looks to see Sirius walking out of Madam Malkins with two bags of books and two sets of dress robes. He turns to Sagittarius and says, “Hey kid, I saw your parents walking into Malkins, they should be out with your stuff in a minute, they got your school books too.” Sagittarius looks behind him to see his parents walking towards them just as Sirius finished talking. He smiles at them and they smile back. “Hey hun, everything went okay while we were gone?” Dove says while handing over his books and robes.

“Yes mother everything went perfectly, I met Lord Malfoy’s son while getting my measurements done.” he says with control in his voice even as he hears Aurora growl quietly behind him. They both look at each other with raised eyebrows, before nodding to him with a look only he can understand. “Well, are you ready to go then? We got everything we needed.” Rose says with a bit of edge in her voice. “Most likely from the mention of Malfoy’s name.” Sagittarius ponders in his mind.

He nods to his mothers, turning to Aurora and Orion, “It was nice to see you guys. I’ll see you again on the train on September 1st.” They say with a look to both of them. They nod back, and Aurora gives him a hug before he leaves. He shakes Sirius’ hand with a nod and a “Lord Black.” Sirius nods his head and says. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Heir LeFay.”  Nodding to his Mothers. “Ladies LeFay, your son was respectable as always.” They nod back to him with a smile and Sagittarius stands next to his mother’s side. They head back to The Leaky Cauldron, together flooing back to Castle Avalon, in preparation for Hogwarts.

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