Soulful Woman

During a recent trip to Sedona, I was introduced to the Soulful Woman Guidance Card deck. I was immediately drawn to it’s bold colors and amazing imagery. The gentleman behind the counter told me to pull a card. It truly spoke to my soul. I will be doing a full card reading within the Sacred Circle but wanted to introduce the deck to everyone.

“The Soulful Woman Guidance Cards are a beautiful and original deck of 48 cards that carry soulful teachings for empowerment, self worth and manifesting from the sacred feminine.  The cards’ unique teachings are drawn from my own soul searching, life challenges and commitment to personal growth.  All the cards have original artworks from 26 intuitive and mystical, female artists who share my passion for women’s spirituality.”

If you would like to purchase it for yourself, here is the link: Soulful Woman

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