History Rewritten

This story is heavily inspired by Harry Potter and the Prince of Slytherin: by The Sinister Man. Check their story out!

I do not own Harry Potter or anything affiliated with the series, and all of it is owned by J.K Rowling. Pronouns are as follows: Sagittarius – He/They: Aurora – She/Her and Orion – He/Him.

Chapter 1. New Beginnings.

Virtus absoluta absolute corrumpitur..”  Sagittarius mutters to himself as he gets ready to head out for the day. This is probably the thousandth time he’s remembered the family’s motto, but they’re one for sentimentality, so he might as well say it one more time before they head off to Diagon Alley to get his school supplies for Hogwarts. He probably won’t see or hear that phrase while he’s at school, so he might as well acknowledge it while he can. To be honest, he’s looking forward to leaving these castle grounds for a bit. Finally, being able to breathe fresh air instead of practicing wand incantations and movements at the request of their tutors and parents. His parents, Rose and Dove LeFay’s are quite intimidating but loving. He learned they just want the best for him, so he might as well try to live up to it.

As they head down the stairs of the castle, they catch themself in the mirror. Looking over himself, he sees the same shaggy black hair with a pure white tuft in the front that almost hangs over his right eye, shoulder-length in the back, and normal ripped black jeans with a grey shirt that he always wears, with his usual purple eyes looking back at him. “Never gonna get used to the purple eyes, hope it doesn’t freak people out.” Sagittarius mutters to himself before continuing towards the road for an early morning walk to their parent’s shop.

He starts to think of his friend Aurora Black, daughter of Sirius Black, wondering if she would meet him at Diagon Alley to celebrate their Hogwarts letters like they decided when they got them. “Well, time to floo out of Avalon.” Sagittarius thinks to themself. This place is under the Fidelius Charm near the coast of Northern Ireland, probably cast by Morgana herself in the time of 1000 A.D.

As he makes his way out of Castle Avalon towards his parents’ shop with a book under his arm.  “The Twisted Crow,” Sagittarius smiles to himself as he reads his parents’ shop name aloud. “Mom! Mother! Are you ready to go yet?” he raises his voice to project over the stirring and bubbling of cauldrons, as well as his parents’ armada of protection gear for their latest volatile explosion waiting to happen. “Coming dear, one second!.” Dove’s voice is heard from around the corner. “Shit! Wrong ingredient, Dove!” Rose sounds uncharacteristically panicked.

Sagittarius walks over to the seat near the front counter and sits down, waiting for the boom to happen. Boom! “There it is.” he mutters to himself, dragging out the e at the end. Sitting down, he flips open his book of Legilimency to pass the time, “Living With Legilimens: Choose Your Minds Wisely.” This is something he’s been perfecting for a couple of years now. The practice of Legilimency, specifically a branch called “Deductive Genius.” His parents mentioned something about a muggle named Sherlock Holmes when they talked about it. It’s apparently a rare gift that he should work on perfecting. So, Aurora bought him this book for his 10th birthday after he mentioned his interest in Legilimency. They thanked her for it quite heavily when they received it. Her father probably got it from the Department of Mysteries while on Auror duty. Sirius could never say no to his daughter’s puppy dog eyes.

He’s gotten almost halfway through the book before their parents walk out in muggle attire, same as himself. “Ready to go, hun? Big day today!” Rose says with a smile and her usual excitement and enthusiasm while Dove runs a wet rag over her cheek to clear a grease mark. Sagittarius smiles back and closes his book with a practice wand in place of his bookmark. “Yeah, mom, I’m ready to go.” he says while trying not to bounce his leg in excitement for the day to come and all the things he’d get to see. “Remember dear, we’ll be quick, but you can see your friend for an hour or two while we run some errands, okay?” he hears Dove say as she goes back to throw the rag away in the sink before grabbing his hand to get him to the floo. “Yes, Mother, I remember.” Sagittarius chuckles slightly as he says this. “Alright dear, go ahead and step in the floo then.” Dove says encouragingly. Sagittarius takes a deep breath before gathering some floo powder in his hands and throwing it in while shouting, “Diagon Alley!”.

As the green flames erupt around him he remembers the fateful words of his family motto, “Absolute Virtue, is Absolutely Corrupted.” before stumbling a step or two out of the floo portal, into what appears to be a tavern he’s never seen before. As he straightens up and looks around he hears from behind the fire roar twice more and both his parents step out. “Are you ready hun? Do you want a drink or anything before we leave, where do you want to go first!?” Rose stammers excitedly. Sagittarius is still trying to wrap his head around the first question before Dove chimes in with a soft laugh, “Love, calm down so they can figure out what to do first, but I’d recommend Gringotts bank dear.” She says with a smile and close to equal excitement in her own eyes. Sagittarius thinks to himself for a second before saying, “Gringotts first then Ollivanders?”. His parents both turn and smile at each other, “Let’s go then!” Rose cheers, before the couple and their son walk out of The Leaky Cauldron’s exit together, to see an anticlimactic brick wall. Sagittarius looks at his parents incredulously, “I feel like I’m missing something here?”. They both smiled at each other again this time a bit mischievously before turning to him again. “Why don’t you practice a bit of your talent, hun? Treat it as a challenge.” Dove says with a bit of a smirk in her voice.

Sagittarius sighs and smiles slightly before turning to the plain wall to see if there’s anything he missed. Narrowing his eyes he blinks hard and he can feel something akin to a cog shifting into place in his brain, he then looks at the wall with more interest. Seeing the collection of dust that was disrupted on the stone floor and multiple indentations across the bricks, he steps forward and taps the following pattern, three up and two across, before stepping back with a slight glare. Sagittarius turns back to Rose and Dove before sighing and saying, “Wand activation? Or was I just completely wrong?”. They both look quite proud of him, which he assumes is a good sign. “You were awesome dear! That was the exact pattern. You just need a wand for it, let me show you.” Rose says with excitement and pride in her voice. She steps forward and taps the same pattern Sagittarius did but with a wand this time.

Sagittarius looks on in awe at the cascading bricks flowing out like a sideways waterfall, before looking past it and seeing wizards and witches of all ages, young and old! He struggles to contain his excitement and begins looking at all the different shop names as they pass them until they get to Gringotts. Some notable names were, Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. which he could not wait to go into, others were ones named. Eeylops Owl Emporium. He had no use for that since he has his messenger raven named Jade, she’s quite lovely in his very biassed opinion. Flourish and Blotts, is another one he cannot wait to go into. “Aurora definitely would call me a bookworm if she was here right now,” Sagittarius thinks to himself. “Hopefully I’ll get to meet her, Orion, and Sirius before we leave for the day.” He shakes himself out of his thoughts as they get ready to head into Gringotts for the first time.

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