Est. 2022

Clarity and Crystals

Stories, Resources, Clarity Calls, The Circle, The Emporium, and more

What is C&C

Grab your Favorite drink, Find a seat, and stay for a while

Clarity and Crystals is where you will find everything you need to help propel your life or business to the next level. This is where tarot, crystals, human design, moon phases, and everything else in between fit into a true collaboration for you and the collective to give you the clarity you are searching for…

Here you will find stories, resources, a fantastic community, and of course, crystals… lots of crystals. We believe in collaboration vs. competition. It is a safe place to think outside the box, gain clarity and get support!

The Circle

Circle or Collective the word doesn't matter; its the feeling and welcome you receive when you join


One place to find all of our recommendations for all aspects of your life and business


The Latest

Hematoid will promote optimism and inner strength.
Flower Agate helps us reach our highest potential.
Black Moonstone brings grounding and protection.

"Treat Every Day LIke a New Adventure"

The Chronicles

Useful Posts, Inspiring articles, Riveting Stories, & Catchy Jokes





Book a Clarity Call

Can one call really make that much of a difference? The quick answer is yes, but as you might guess, there is so much more to that answer! Let's Talk!
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